Hi my name is Lola and i am 12 years old. I go to Ahipara school. I like art and enjoy writing and swimming. I like baking, and spending time with my family and friends. My favourite foods are bread, cheese, fruit and sweet things.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Interviewing my friends
For another activity, I had to interview three of my friends about what they are proud of. This is how it turned out.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Monday, November 18, 2019
On Friday the 15th of November 2019, my class and room 3 played a sport called, capture the flag.
We had teams and we were trying to protect the ball from the other team, while other people were trying to steal the other team's ball. Some people were going to try to steal the other people's ball while the rest of the team was trying to tag the other team that came in trying to steal the ball. In the end room, 3 won.
We had teams and we were trying to protect the ball from the other team, while other people were trying to steal the other team's ball. Some people were going to try to steal the other people's ball while the rest of the team was trying to tag the other team that came in trying to steal the ball. In the end room, 3 won.
Dry land water safety
On the 14th of November 2019, we had dry land water safety. So this man came in and taught us about water safety, he taught us how to notice rips and the most important things to bring to water holes and beaches.
The man taught us how to notice rips. If you see a clear spot there's a rip there and also if the waves are crossing there is a rip there.
The most important things to bring
For the beach, you need an adult, sunscreen, water.
And on a boat, you need a life jacket, adult, radio and phone.
The man taught us how to notice rips. If you see a clear spot there's a rip there and also if the waves are crossing there is a rip there.
The most important things to bring
For the beach, you need an adult, sunscreen, water.
And on a boat, you need a life jacket, adult, radio and phone.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
In love.
Walt: To make a google drawing
They are in deep love just when they saw each other what will happen next
They are in deep love just when they saw each other what will happen next
Kauri dieback
Kauri Dieback
Kauri dieback can kill kauri of all ages. It's a disease caused by a
microscopic fungus-like organism, called (PA). It lives in the soil
and infects kauri roots, damaging the tissues that carry nutrients
and water within the tree, effectively starving it to death. There is
no cure for kauri dieback disease, and the disease kills most if not
all the kauri it infects. Kauri dieback (PTA) are found in the soil
around affected kauri. Any movement of infected soil can spread
the disease. Human activity involving soil movement (on footwear,
machinery or equipment) is thought to be the greatest cause of
microscopic fungus-like organism, called (PA). It lives in the soil
and infects kauri roots, damaging the tissues that carry nutrients
and water within the tree, effectively starving it to death. There is
no cure for kauri dieback disease, and the disease kills most if not
all the kauri it infects. Kauri dieback (PTA) are found in the soil
around affected kauri. Any movement of infected soil can spread
the disease. Human activity involving soil movement (on footwear,
machinery or equipment) is thought to be the greatest cause of

Reflection - I like how we had to discover what kauri dieback is.
Retelling of Ahipara
Retelling of Ahipara
Once there were two tribes they were Te Aopouri and Te Rarawa and they were always fighting about who owned 90-mile beach. But one day the chief Poroa made a big line across the beach Te Aupouri were on the north and Te Rarawa were on the south. Because of that Poroa got given a wife and her name was Whangatauatia. One day when he returned to his own pa he renamed it Whangatauatia in honour of his wife. Luckily the two tribes regained peace for many years but eventually, Poroa died. And his great mana, a tapu was put on the beach for a year. During the time a Rahui, a ban was put on all birds fish and shellfish. When the Tapu was lifted a great feast was held and was customary in those days. The first fish and shellfish caught were cooked. Over a special fire and prayers were said and the food was placed in a certain place as an offering and that’s how Ahipara got its name,
Ahi - Meaning fire
Para para - The roasted fish that was put aside as an othering. By Lola
Reflection - I liked how we had to retell the story of how Ahipara got it’s name.
Monday, August 26, 2019
My poster
I searched for my facts and some other ideas. I liked doing it because I like writing and drawing. I put things like their diet and appearance, facts and habitat I also put in pictures this is it.
Monday, August 12, 2019
My speech
For homework, as well as for school we have to do a persuasive speech this is mine.
Why fizzy drinks should be banned
Do you ever get thirsty and go to the shop and buy yourself a fizzy drink and are still thirsty after? That's because fizzy drinks don't quench your thirst. Hi, my name is Lola and today I'm going to be telling you why I think fizzy drinks should be banned.
Firstly fizzy drinks are bad for your teeth, they rot them and give you cavities. They give you cavities because when you drink fizzy the sugars it contains, interact with bacteria in your mouth to form acid. This acid attacks your teeth.
Secondly, fizzy drinks erode your stomach lining which means it eats away at your stomach which may cause it to bleed, make it painful and make it hard for you to eat certain foods.
Thirdly fizzy drinks can increase your risk of cancer. 1oomls of any sugary drink a person drinks a day is associated with an 18% increased risk of cancer risk although it may not sound like much but it is for those people who drink it daily.
Fourthly fizzy drinks can cause damage to your skin. In addition to all the sugar in it, the caffeine found in the fizzy can dehydrate the skin emphasizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Lastly fizzy can make us violent. A study carried out on teenagers that found a link between fizzy and violence. Researchers found that even teenagers who just drank two cans a week were more aggressive towards their friends, and those who drank five or more cans a week were also more likely to have drunk alcohol or smoked at least once in the previous month.
In conclusion, the next time you think about having a sugary fizzy drink just think is it is really worth it? Why don't you go for the healthier option a nice plain fresh drink of cold water.
By Lola
Why fizzy drinks should be banned
Do you ever get thirsty and go to the shop and buy yourself a fizzy drink and are still thirsty after? That's because fizzy drinks don't quench your thirst. Hi, my name is Lola and today I'm going to be telling you why I think fizzy drinks should be banned.
Firstly fizzy drinks are bad for your teeth, they rot them and give you cavities. They give you cavities because when you drink fizzy the sugars it contains, interact with bacteria in your mouth to form acid. This acid attacks your teeth.
Secondly, fizzy drinks erode your stomach lining which means it eats away at your stomach which may cause it to bleed, make it painful and make it hard for you to eat certain foods.
Thirdly fizzy drinks can increase your risk of cancer. 1oomls of any sugary drink a person drinks a day is associated with an 18% increased risk of cancer risk although it may not sound like much but it is for those people who drink it daily.
Fourthly fizzy drinks can cause damage to your skin. In addition to all the sugar in it, the caffeine found in the fizzy can dehydrate the skin emphasizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Lastly fizzy can make us violent. A study carried out on teenagers that found a link between fizzy and violence. Researchers found that even teenagers who just drank two cans a week were more aggressive towards their friends, and those who drank five or more cans a week were also more likely to have drunk alcohol or smoked at least once in the previous month.
In conclusion, the next time you think about having a sugary fizzy drink just think is it is really worth it? Why don't you go for the healthier option a nice plain fresh drink of cold water.
By Lola
Monday, August 5, 2019
Why all plastic bags need to be removed from sale
Last week room four has been doing persuasive writing this is mine.
Why all plastic bags need to be removed from sale
Plastic bags are deadly they kill animals and are very bad for the environment. You should stop using plastic bags now! I will explain why.
Plastic bags are bad for our environment they cause pollution which means animals die. 100,000 marine creatures die each year from plastic. Approximately 1 million sea birds also die from plastic. A plastic bag can kill numerous animals because they take so long to disintegrate.
Plastic bags are also bad for nature because they get into the soil and slowly release toxic chemicals. They eventually break down into the soil, with the unfortunate result being that animals eat them and often choke and die.
Plastic bags also increase the risk of flooding. In addition to the use of natural resources and waste from plastic bag production, plastic bags can increase the risk of flooding. Because they never break down completely, plastic bags can clog storm drains and other areas which can eventually cause severe flooding.
And that's why we should stop using plastic bags and start using paper bags and cardboard so start making a difference now!
By Lola
Why all plastic bags need to be removed from sale
Plastic bags are deadly they kill animals and are very bad for the environment. You should stop using plastic bags now! I will explain why.
Plastic bags are bad for our environment they cause pollution which means animals die. 100,000 marine creatures die each year from plastic. Approximately 1 million sea birds also die from plastic. A plastic bag can kill numerous animals because they take so long to disintegrate.
Plastic bags are also bad for nature because they get into the soil and slowly release toxic chemicals. They eventually break down into the soil, with the unfortunate result being that animals eat them and often choke and die.
Plastic bags also increase the risk of flooding. In addition to the use of natural resources and waste from plastic bag production, plastic bags can increase the risk of flooding. Because they never break down completely, plastic bags can clog storm drains and other areas which can eventually cause severe flooding.
And that's why we should stop using plastic bags and start using paper bags and cardboard so start making a difference now!
By Lola
Monday, July 29, 2019
Why we shouldn't have more homework
Homework is good but stressing, you might like it but what if you are busy with sports or family events. Do you really think we need homework?
Teachers think homework is good but some parents and children think it is bad. Say, you haven't seen someone for three years and they're finally coming to see you. But you have homework to finish, so you can’t play with your friends.
I like homework but not lots of it. Ms Eva Smith says “homework is a waste of time plus we do lots of school work and then you go home and do more work like what's the point?” but... Ms Ruby Pirini says “I feel like homework is a good learning source and you will get good grades”
What if your very busy with events and you don't have time to do your homework and then at school you try to explain to your teacher but instead she/he growls you. Plus you’ve just spent a whole day at school working then when you get home you have to do more!
What if your tired and buggered from school and when you try to do your homework you get stressed and have a big meltdown then what?
I hope you can reflect and take in what I have just said maybe you could convince your teacher not to have too much homework then there won't be any problems.
The end
By Lola
Homework is good but stressing, you might like it but what if you are busy with sports or family events. Do you really think we need homework?
Teachers think homework is good but some parents and children think it is bad. Say, you haven't seen someone for three years and they're finally coming to see you. But you have homework to finish, so you can’t play with your friends.
I like homework but not lots of it. Ms Eva Smith says “homework is a waste of time plus we do lots of school work and then you go home and do more work like what's the point?” but... Ms Ruby Pirini says “I feel like homework is a good learning source and you will get good grades”
What if your very busy with events and you don't have time to do your homework and then at school you try to explain to your teacher but instead she/he growls you. Plus you’ve just spent a whole day at school working then when you get home you have to do more!
What if your tired and buggered from school and when you try to do your homework you get stressed and have a big meltdown then what?
I hope you can reflect and take in what I have just said maybe you could convince your teacher not to have too much homework then there won't be any problems.
The end
By Lola
Thursday, June 27, 2019
My book review.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Writing at different perspectives.
Hello, recently we have been doing imagine if... There is a positive chair, a problems chair, and an ideas chair and we have to write in every box about the good things the bad things and the ideas.✎🖺
Monday, June 24, 2019
Hey, guys recently we have been doing science here are some of the things we did.
1. We had to make a tall tower we didn't win though but it was fun
2. We had to make our own lave lamp how crazy
3. This time we had to make our own catapult we got most accurate.
4. We had to make a marble run in groups this is mine Evas, and Ruby's.
Not that long ago we have been making stories so here's mine.
The invisible man By Lola
One day me and my mum (Melony) were packing to go to a new house. “Mum why do we have to move,” I say I’ve told you, Miley, we can't afford the rent, oh great I whisper. We pack the car then go to the new house it took quite a while to get there and guess why it's in the middle of nowhere.
Once we were at the new house (I mean cabin), mum invited my best friend Tilly over. We were sitting in my new room when Tilly said: “was your father nice or mean?” Then the flashback started. I remembered him, we used to play and play he would drop me at kindergarten and would take me shopping. But one day he died. He died when I was 4 years old, I was so sad that day and I will never forget it.
Never mind Tilly says. Then mum comes up, she says she’s going out for dinner and we’re in charge of the house, I gulp. As she leaves she slams the door behind her and locks it we are safe for now.
Shortly after mum left we hear rattles down in the basement, we both gasp as we hear it. Then we grab the flashlight and walk down the stairs, we turn on the light, it flickers then I realize something is wrong.
I remember the happy feeling of my old house whenever I would come home to a happy house but now everything has changed. I open my eyes to the basement, it is dark and gloomy and dusty, lots of things have been knocked over. We walk back up but soon enough it happens again.
We hear lots of glass (China) breaking. When we are in the kitchen there is mums china cabinet, it has fallen over and all of the china is broken. Suddenly the stove turns on, I walk towards it then…
Two hands touch my shoulders, stop it, Tilly, you’re scaring me I say but I'm not she replies. So I slowly look behind me and no ones there! I scream as loud as I can. run for the door but it was locked.
Tilly runs to help me but it is still no use. We hear the breathing of the strange person that we can not see. It holds me up and throws me into where the china cabinet fell. Tilly comes to help me up, we run to the basement finding old pillows and things to use as a fort.
We carefully climb into it and we breathe heavily. It’s very stuffy in the basement but we can survive it I feel like we're being watched all the time, Miley, Tilly whispers, me too I reply suddenly we hear the old stairs creaking.
It's coming we both whisper and we try to stay as still as possible but the invisible man opens the fort and we were never seen again.
The end By Lola
The invisible man By Lola
One day me and my mum (Melony) were packing to go to a new house. “Mum why do we have to move,” I say I’ve told you, Miley, we can't afford the rent, oh great I whisper. We pack the car then go to the new house it took quite a while to get there and guess why it's in the middle of nowhere.
Once we were at the new house (I mean cabin), mum invited my best friend Tilly over. We were sitting in my new room when Tilly said: “was your father nice or mean?” Then the flashback started. I remembered him, we used to play and play he would drop me at kindergarten and would take me shopping. But one day he died. He died when I was 4 years old, I was so sad that day and I will never forget it.
Never mind Tilly says. Then mum comes up, she says she’s going out for dinner and we’re in charge of the house, I gulp. As she leaves she slams the door behind her and locks it we are safe for now.
Shortly after mum left we hear rattles down in the basement, we both gasp as we hear it. Then we grab the flashlight and walk down the stairs, we turn on the light, it flickers then I realize something is wrong.
I remember the happy feeling of my old house whenever I would come home to a happy house but now everything has changed. I open my eyes to the basement, it is dark and gloomy and dusty, lots of things have been knocked over. We walk back up but soon enough it happens again.
We hear lots of glass (China) breaking. When we are in the kitchen there is mums china cabinet, it has fallen over and all of the china is broken. Suddenly the stove turns on, I walk towards it then…
Two hands touch my shoulders, stop it, Tilly, you’re scaring me I say but I'm not she replies. So I slowly look behind me and no ones there! I scream as loud as I can. run for the door but it was locked.
Tilly runs to help me but it is still no use. We hear the breathing of the strange person that we can not see. It holds me up and throws me into where the china cabinet fell. Tilly comes to help me up, we run to the basement finding old pillows and things to use as a fort.
We carefully climb into it and we breathe heavily. It’s very stuffy in the basement but we can survive it I feel like we're being watched all the time, Miley, Tilly whispers, me too I reply suddenly we hear the old stairs creaking.
It's coming we both whisper and we try to stay as still as possible but the invisible man opens the fort and we were never seen again.
The end By Lola
Recently we have been doing explanations about being health this is my explanation
🍓Healthy living👩
Have you ever wondered how healthy eating works? Well, healthy eating is normal even if you don't like veggies there's always a way to be healthy. I'm going to explain to you how to be healthy and what's not healthy.
Veggies give you lots of nutrients like vitamin A E and C. Vegetables are an important part of healthy eating and provide a source of many nutrients, including potassium, fiber, folate (folic acid) and vitamins A, E and C like I said before. Options like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, and garlic provide additional benefits, making them a superfood!
First of all, alcohol makes you drunk and that can get you arrested. It increases your risk for chronic liver inflammation and it can cause lung problems and give you cancer. It can kill you if you drink too much. And the worst thing if you drink too much in one night it can affect your breathing and lead to a coma as well. So be careful.
Your lungs can be very badly affected by smoking. Coughs, colds, wheezing and asthma are just the start. Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia ( when your air sacs fill up with fluids), emphysema (a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness) and lung cancer. Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
By not smoking and drinking too much alcohol and eating veggies makes you and your body strong and healthy and causes you to have a great immune system. So stay fit stay strong and be healthy.
By Lola
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
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